Tuesday, May 3, 2016

On the territory of Western Sahara is "MINURSO", the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, which is still the main objective of its existence

Johannesburg (South Africa), the second ordinary period of sessions of the Pan-African Parliament begins with the presence of the Special Envoy of the African Union for Western Sahara, Joaquim Alberto Chissano, together with the Vice-President of the Republic of Sierra Leone, as guests of honor meeting, as well as Ministers of the Government of South Africa and of the accredited diplomatic corps.
The opening ceremony started with the playing of the anthem of the Pan-African Parliament, followed by a recitation of the program of the course by the President of the Pan-African Parliament, Roger Ankodo Dang, allowing new members to take office after the oath, to make way for the speeches and messages of solidarity.
The opening day stands by the speech of the Special Envoy to the Western Sahara, Joaquim Alberto Chissano, which comprised a review historical archive from the Spanish colonial era through the internationalist Moroccan invasion of resolution on the subject and the subsequent sequels, expressing his regret for the continuation of the illegal Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara.
Chissano said from the beginning: "I would like to begin my speech to point out what many overlook on the African political landscape that has changed a lot, with the day that Africa seeks to achieve the dream of their peoples in the construction and building integrated, Africa United and prosperous forcing his voice on the international scene, but it is sad to note after he defeated racial apartheid one of our countries, namely Morocco, that we are fighting by his side for the independence, prosperity and freedom, continues the occupation of the land that was the subject of the Spanish colonization and refuses to respond to the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination.
the opening also featured press conferences of the President of the African Parliament, Roger Ankodo Dang, the Vice-President of the Republic of Sierra Leone and Joaquim Alberto Chissano, Special Envoy of the African Western Sahara, that Union in response to a question from the journalist Jean-Jacques Cornish, radio 702 of South Africa, on the subject of the referendum in Western Sahara He replied:
: "referendum in Western Sahara do not need discussion, because all parties, the front,"
the United Nations and the Security Council have agreed to it". In the territory of Western Sahara is "MINURSO", the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, which is still the main objective of its existence. The people of Western Sahara must decide their own fate through a referendum, and should be consulted if you want independence or to join Morocco or want a broad autonomy.
POLISARIO and the Kingdom of Morocco, the African Union
So everyone wins, including Morocco, I do not see any reason to be afraid of a referendum, especially if all parties say that they know the will of the Sahrawi people, then why afraid of Morocco to the outcome of the referendum ".
The second session of the PAP will continue until May 13 and will discuss several issues: human rights, with emphasis on women's rights, continental strategies in science and technology and educational innovation and technical vocational training and safety education, food and nutrition in Africa, the policies of the African Union on education in Africa, as well as climate change.
It should be noted that Joaquim Alberto Chissano, Special Envoy of the African Union to the Western Sahara, was received in audience by the VicePresident of the PAP Suelma Beiruk
The session of the Pan-African Parliament will also organize a seminar on human rights in the occupied part of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic and the systematic looting of natural resources in the territory occupied by Morocco with the complicity of foreign companies .

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