Wednesday, March 30, 2016

The President of the Congress Colombian, Luis Fernando Velasco Chávez received this Tuesday at the Congress of Colombia an important delegation composed of Suelma Beiruk, Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament

The President of the Congress Colombian, Luis Fernando Velasco Chávez received this Tuesday at the Congress of Colombia an important delegation composed of Suelma Beiruk, Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament, the Minister Sahrawi for relations with Latin America and the Caribbean, Omar Mansur and Ambassador Mojtar Labuehi.
In Bogota, the President of the Colombian Congress expressed its support the Saharan cause and resolutions adopted by the Congress on the subject during a reception to the Saharawi delegation. The meeting was an occasion to make a review of the major decisions taken, both by the Panfricano Parliament, as by the Congress of Colombia in support to the self-determination of the Saharawi people.
In addition to the Conference held in the Senate under the title the last colony in Africa, she was held at the main theater of the University Externado de Colombia, conferences in which the Professor of constitutional law, Carlos Ruiz Miguel and Omar Mansur participated as speakers that dealt with the question of Western Sahara and the recent evolution of the conflict after the visit of UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Association of Saharawi women in France organizes a ceremony on the occasion of March 8, international women's day.

The Association of Saharawi women in France organizes a ceremony on the occasion of March 8, international women's day.
The event has been an opportunity to solidarity  with Saharan political detainees, of Gdeim Izik, on hunger strike.

Association of Saharawi women in France also highlight the role of the Sahrawi in the liberation struggle of women, as well as the challenges, particularly the living under Moroccan repression.
Act attended by the Mayor of Seny, the responsible  of the Diaspora Sahrawis in France and FSF members. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

The campaign of weaving and looms

 After do months of work and programs starts the campaign of weaving and looms to participate in the cultural fair that will be held in Italy in May.

The products to be manufactured on looms will respond to designs that reflect the Saharawi culture in their respective colors.
Women in the National Union of Sahrawi women work in these preparations in the wilayas of Dakhla, Laayoune and Boujdour.


Act of homage to the Saharawi women

On Saturday, March 12, within one week of celebration of the international women's day, Sahrawi women held an act of homage to the Saharawi women. Organized by the Saharawi delegation to Spain, the National Union of Sahrawi women, CEAS-Sahara and REDMAMSA (Association of support to the Saharawi women), the event was attended by Jira Bulahi, Sahrawi representative for Spain. 

Friday, March 11, 2016

In commemoration of the day of the working woman, the Pontevedra City Council has invited Jadiyetu El Mohtar , responsible for international relations of the UNMS

 In commemoration of the day of the working woman, the Pontevedra City Council has invited Jadiyetu El Mohtar , responsible for international relations of the UNMS, for a Conference on Saharawi women. Jadiyetu, spoke about the role of Sahrawi women in the resistance of its people, as well as the accomplishments achieved over forty years of struggle and the struggle of genre that plays within the Saharan society.

The Conference was attended by representatives of the various political parties and personalities of civil society.

Jadiyetu also spoke about the pressure from young people on the Government for a solution to the conflict, as well as the quota that was dropped in the Parliament and that poses a challenge for women sahrauis, since they see it as an opportunity to demonstrate that they can achieve the same percentage share without.
Coordinator of the event Sogaps Asociación Galicia of friends of the Saharawi people.

Suelma Beiruk , Vice President of the Pan-African Parliament and a member of the National Union of Sahrawi women is received in the Portuguese Parliament.

 Suelma Beiruk , Vice President of the Pan-African Parliament and a member of the National Union of Sahrawi women is received in the Portuguese Parliament.

Suelma Beiruk was received today in the Parliament, accompanied by a delegation of the democratic women's movement of Portugal (MDM) composed by Regina Marques and Sandra Benfica of the national direction of MDM. Suelma Beiruk, beyond the denunciation of repression and violence against women in the territories occupied by Morocco, appealed to the urgency of a political stance in favour of human rights and the implementation of the referendum of self-determination of the Sahrawi people.

 He was received in audience by the Hon. Vice President of Assembly of the Republic José Manuel purity; by the parliamentary group of BE; of the CDS-PP; the parliamentary group of the CFP and the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party.
The Sahrawi Vice-President also participated in the commemoration of the international women's day.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

A Saharawi delegation takes part in the celebrations of the international day of women in Vitry

Responding to an invitation from the municipality of Vitry a Saharawi delegation participates in the celebrations of the international day of the woman.
The Parisian municipality organized an evening to celebrate this important event to present and discuss the concerns of women at the level of society.
And where the delegation of Sahrawi women had the opportunity to contact the associations of women and assistants to exchange experiences as well as giving voice to the Sahrawi women and publicize their suffering in occupied Sahara exposed to serious violations faced by every day at the hands of the Moroccan security services.

The delegation is composed of Láala Yahdih, President of the Association of Saharawi women in France, Fatimetu Zrug, former Deputy and member of UJSARIO and Ali Rubio, Member of the Committee of relatives of detainees Gdim Izik. They were also present in the Lady Act. Claude Monjane the Asfari and members of the Association of friends of the Sadr in France.

Una delegación saharaui participa en las celebraciones del Día internacional de la Mujer en Vitry

Respondiendo a la invitación del Municipio de Vitry una delegación saharaui participa  en las celebraciones del Día internacional de la Mujer.

El Municipio parisino  organizó una velada para celebrar este evento importante para presentar y discutir las preocupaciones de las mujeres a nivel de la sociedad.
 Y donde la delegación de mujeres saharauis tuvo la oportunidad de contactar con las asociaciones de mujeres y asistentes para intercambiar experiencias así como dar voz a las mujeres saharauis y dar a conocer sus sufrimientos en el Sáhara ocupado expuestas a las graves violaciones que enfrentan diariamente a manos de los servicios de seguridad marroquíes.

La delegación se compone de Laala Yahdih, presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Saharauis en Francia, Fatimetu Zrug,  ex diputada y miembro de UJSARIO y Ali Rubio, miembro del Comité de familiares de detenidos Gdim Izik. También estuvieron presentes en el acto  la señora . Claude Monjane Al Asfari y miembros de la asociación de Amigos de la RASD en Francia.

They end up meeting the awareness campaign Aaiún on the importance of political participation of women

They end up meeting the awareness campaign organized by the National Union of Sahrawi Women, which began in the Wilaya of el Aaiún on the importance of political participation of women on the occasion of the elections to the Sahrawi Parliament in the new legislature after completing the previous March 3.

This campaign aims to raise awareness among women about the importance of understanding and the need to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Organization and the need to strengthen the position of women in decision-making as the Parliament considered one of the institutions most important positions.

The campaign also includes encouraging women voters and the candidates to the Parliament the need for Sahrawi women have effective participation in elections and vote to women to promote women's participation in Parliament.

Madrid Center hosts the premiere of this interesting feature documentary "CORIA AND THE SEA"


The Act is included in the acts that are carried out as the women's Day celebration, the associate of the UNED of Madrid Center hosts the premiere of this interesting feature documentary., which gave rise to a very interesting debate on the of the Saharawi people and its women struggle for independence and collective and individual freedom.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The Sahrawi women , "MUNADILAT group" manifested on the streets of Seville for their rights as people and as women on the international women's day, 8 March. the women expressed their solidarity with Saharawi political prisoners, Gdeim Izik Group on hunger strike.

 The Sahrawi women , "MUNADILAT group" manifested on the streets of Seville for their rights as people and as women on the international women's day, 8 March.
the women expressed their solidarity with Saharawi political prisoners, Gdeim Izik Group on hunger strike.


Monday, March 7, 2016

The National Union of Sahrawi women salutes women around the world on international women's day

The National Union of Sahrawi women salutes women around the world on international women's day, as well as denouncing the degrading practices against human dignity of Sahrawi women in occupied Western Sahara and condemns Moroccan repression exerted Moroccan forces of occupation against the Sahrawi women through all kinds of violations in the international women's day exposed to torture and ill-treatment, being even trailed narrowly in the streets, as well as the psychological, physical and verbal abuse, as well as torture and enforced disappearances. While the other part of the Saharan women living in extreme conditions of exile in refugee camps...
He is considered the international women's day, 8 March, an opportunity for all women in the world to demand the Elimination of all forms of violence against women, marginalization and discrimination in employment and the violation of their social and political rights. The international organizations demand respect for the rights of women around the world to protect them from all the violations. . The Sahrawi women still suffer the consequences of the occupation in the occupied territories of Western Sahara as a result of the continued repression of the Moroccan forces in serious human rights violations, through the practice of all kinds of violations, such as exposure to torture and ill-treatment, being even trailed narrowly in the streets and tortured suffering psychological abuse physical and verbal, as well as arrests forced detention for peaceful demonstrations.

The National Union of Sahrawi women condemns and deplores all violations committed by the Moroccan regime against Sahrawi women and appealed to all international organizations and associations of women rights defenders to visit the cities occupied Western Sahara and asks the United Nations to create a mechanism to monitor human rights in Western Sahara.

Release MMM by March 8


 Queridas, compañeras, amigas, militantes, luchadoras.

En estos días el mundo se prepara para celebrar el 8 de Marzo. El día Internacional de la Mujer es conmemorado en todo el mundo por sindicatos, organizaciones, grupos de mujeres… que, en muchas ocasiones ignorando los orígenes socialistas que esta fecha tiene, rinden homenaje a las mujeres que supuestamente murieron encerradas en un incendio de la fábrica donde trabajaban en Estados Unidos.

Nosotras, la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres, celebramos la lucha de las mujeres y del movimiento feminista en todo el mundo. Celebramos la fuerza de todas aquellas que están dedicando sus esfuerzos a liberarse del patriarcado, el neocolonialismo, el capitalismo y el racismo que son las causas que se encuentran en la raíz del sistema opresor en el que vivimos.
Observamos indignadas cómo el concepto de Seguridad y Paz está completamente malinterpretado y manipulado, siendo utilizado por los poderes hegemónicos para justificar la militarización y la “paz armada” y anulando completamente la perspectiva de Derechos Humanos y de las mujeres.
Hemos constatado durante nuestra 4ª Acción Internacional de 2015, cómo como los conflictos armados y las guerras de tipo no convencional se expanden y extienden rápidamente por todas las regiones, sembrando el miedo, la violencia, enfermedades, el odio y la pobreza, y retroalimentando el fundamentalismo.  Esta violencia, sea ella ejercida por ejércitos, milicias, empresas privadas de “seguridad”, mafiosos del crimen organizado, personal de las misiones internacionales de pacificación o los propios Estados, beneficia el última estancia a un sistema capitalista patriarcal en el que las mujeres son siempre las que más sufren.

En Asia se hace cada vez más patente la presencia de bases militares de potencias extranjeras, con graves consecuencias en la vulneración de los Derechos Humanos de las mujeres, aumento de la prostitución, casos de violencia contra mujeres y niñas, tráfico de personas, etc…

En África los “libertadores” del continente se han convertido en opresores de la ciudadanía, y haciendo uso de un poder autoritario continúan limitando de forma radical las libertades y derechos democráticos de la población. En esta coyuntura brotan rápidamente grupos fundamentalistas, de tipo religioso, étnico o cultural, (autodenominados defensores del pueblo), que cobran fuerza día a día y se extienden peligrosamente por el territorio, infligiendo condiciones de vida inhumanas y violando los derechos humanos de mujeres.

En los países Árabes vemos como la inestabilidad y los conflictos armados en Siria, Irak, Libia y Yemen son alimentados por las potencias económicas que ven crecer sus beneficios a través del comercio de armas y encuentran en el caos, el caldo de cultivo perfecto para imponer sus intereses, sin importarse con el sufrimiento que esto acarrea para la población civil desarmada. Miles de personas huyen de la región en busca de paz y seguridad. Mujeres y niñas se encuentran en situación de mayor vulnerabilidad siendo objeto de violaciones sexuales y violencia, y viéndose obligadas a intercambiar favores sexuales a cambio de la posibilidad de perseguir su sueño de obtener refugio y servicios básicos en países supuestamente más seguros.
En Palestine, le gouvernement israélien continue d'utiliser la violence pour imposer son système de l'apartheid et du colonialisme sioniste : le blocus sur Gaza, des exécutions et des arrestations arbitraires de civils, la politique des colonies et la démolition de maisons sont la réalité quotidienne subie par la population palestinienne. Et dans le Sahara le gouvernement marocain, par le biais de la force armée, renforce chaque jour sa politique d'occupation, de pillages et de répression en ignorant les engagements internationaux déjà entrepris.

En Palestina, el gobierno de Israel continúa usando la violencia para imponer su sistema de apartheid y colonialismo sionista: el bloqueo a Gaza, las ejecuciones y arrestos arbitrarios de población civil, la política de asentamientos y derribo de viviendas son la realidad cotidiana que sufre la población palestina. Y en el Sahara el gobierno de Marruecos, por medio de la fuerza armada, refuerza cada día su política de ocupación, saqueo y represión, ignorando los compromisos internacionales ya adquiridos.

En Américas, la naturaleza está siendo salvajemente expoliada por  empresas mineras y multinacionales que utilizan a la policía y el ejército, así como otras compañías privadas de seguridad, para usurpar los recursos y desplazar comunidades, a favor de sus propios intereses. El agua, la tierra, los bosques y el aire son privatizados y mercantilizados dejando a las comunidades sin medios para garantizar su subsistencia y autonomía.

En Europa los gobiernos hacen un mal uso de este contexto internacional para justificar la criminalización de los movimientos sociales. Constatamos un alarmante recorte de las libertades ciudadanas frecuentemente consagrado a través de leyes cada vez más represoras. Observamos la fragilidad de nuestros sistemas democráticos ante el auge de grupos políticos de extrema derecha que derivan en la agudización de políticas y actitudes xenófobas que incluyen el cierre de fronteras y denegación de asilo a las personas refugiadas.

Frente a este desalentador contexto internacional, las militantes de la Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres continuamos andando el camino de construcción de nuestras alternativas feministas. Continuamos tejiendo alianzas con otros movimientos aliados con los que compartimos una visión común. Continuamos apoyando la lucha local de nuestras compañeras que luchan en defensa de la sostenibilidad de la vida.

Sabemos que juntas somos más fuertes, que juntas construimos un movimiento mundial incontenible con capacidad para cambiar muchas cosas y por eso en nuestro próximo Encuentro Internacional intercambiaremos nuestras experiencias de lucha y resistencia, profundizaremos nuestra reflexión conjunta, evaluaremos nuestra 4ª Acción Internacional, planificaremos nuestro futuro como movimiento y recabaremos energías para continuar nuestra lucha y nuestra resistencia.   

Resistiremos, desde la base,  los embates del patriarcado, capitalismo, racismo y colonialismo.

Resistiremos como nuestra compañera Berta Cáceres, de Honduras, líder indígena e incansable defensora de los derechos de las comunidades originarias en defensa de su territorio, que en este mes de Marzo, ha sido brutalmente asesinada en su casa.

Resistiremos como Pakize Nayir, Fatma Uyar y Sêve Demir, las compañeras kurdas que, por su activismo político, han sido encarceladas y asesinadas por las fuerzas de seguridad del gobierno turco.

Resistiremos como Máxima Acuña y Dina Mendoza que, en Perú, siguen haciendo frente a la brutalidad de la empresa minera que amenaza el agua y las tierras de sus comunidades.

Resistiremos  como muchas otras mujeres de todo el mundo, anónimas, que cada día, desde sus casas, desde sus comunidades, luchan por sus derechos y en defensa de otras mujeres.

Seguiremos resistiendo siempre. Las armas y el poder patriarcal y opresor no nos callarán.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

We gone Marta Jiménez Martínez, Cuban and friend and advocate of the Saharawi cause.

Death of a great woman and a great revolutionary. He died in his beloved homeland, in the capital, Havana. We gone Marta Jiménez Martínez, Cuban and friend and advocate of the Saharawi cause.
Through our Embassy we have informed of the sad news of his death this Saturday in Havana at the age of 82. Marta Jiménez Martínez, the former student and leader diplomatic Cuban, widow of the revolutionary martyr Fructuoso Rodríguez, close friend of the Sahrawi cause was known for his exemplary role in the defence of the just cause of the Sahrawi people as a member of the visiting mission of the United Nations in Western Sahara in 1975.
Marta Jiménez Martínez is and will always be known for its firm commitment to the defence of just causes and respect for human rights.
On this sad occasion, we wish to express our deepest sorrow and pain, and we want to convey the most heartfelt condolences to the family of the deceased and to all the people and Cuban Government and all the revolutionaries in the world who lost a tireless fighter, with an infinite love for the just causes.

Always present, rest in peace.

It continues the awareness campaign of the elections to the Sahrawi Parliament

It continues the awareness campaign organized by the National Union of Sahrawi Women, which began in the Wilaya of el Aaiún on the importance of political participation of women on the occasion of the elections to the Sahrawi Parliament in the new legislature after completing the previous March 3.

This campaign aims to raise awareness among women about the importance of understanding and the need to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Organization and the need to strengthen the position of women in decision-making as the Parliament considered one of the institutions most important positions.
The campaign also includes encouraging women voters and the candidates to the Parliament the need for Sahrawi women have effective participation in elections and vote to women to promote women's participation in Parliament.

The campaign also wants to remind the added value which means respect for the Saharawi State grants to women's rights and their participation and resilience through their struggle and activism during the 40 years and who needs to expand it with the participation of women in all electoral processes. Therefore we call on women to assume their responsibility for the consolidation of his status through the promotion of such participation to achieve positive results through the Sahrawi women's participation rate and that respond to the level of participation in the various national programmes.

The seminars were also a platform of solidarity with our people in the occupied territories, especially with political prisoners and in particular the Group of prisoners from  Gdim izik camp who remain on strike for their legitimate rights. It is another opportunity to reaffirm support for our prisoners on hunger strike and to continue the struggle until the goal of freedom and independence. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Sahrawi women express our solidarity and support with prisoners SAHRAWI - group GDEIM

The Sahrawi women express our solidarity and support with prisoners SAHRAWI - group GDEIM IZIK political prisoners, that they have begun an indefinite hunger strike in prisons in Morocco from March 1.