Responsible of the UNMS in the Regional in the Wilaya of Laayoune
Bureau has organized this morning 26 of February 2016 a seminar on the role of
Sahrawi women under the title of the "experience of the UNMS ¨´Efficient management is the basis of the construction and the
This particular day was attended by authorities and
municipal and regional councils of the region, as well as members of the Office
Ejecutiva.El event began with a reception of the Regional Office of the UNMS on
the occasion of the opening of the administrative year 2016 - 2017 speech of
Governor of the Wilaya Mohamed Yeslem Beissat which highlighted the values that
represent the struggles of women suffering brutal repression exercised against
them by the Moroccan invading enemy forces , especially in those last days
coinciding with day international against the violence towards them women
through them practices brutal in them manifestations peaceful that carry to out
them women in them territories occupied.
The day is highlight by them discussions on the management
and the execution of the program of action of the UNMS and the need of
compatible some aspects of the same with them strategies and programs political
of the Department of orientation political.
After discussions and evaluation Organization presented its
awards to writers regional and local of the Regional Secretary of the UNMS
across samples, records and reports and some tools for management as a sign of
encouragement and recognition of their efforts and enormous generosity.
The day also has given place to messages and motions of
solidarity with them women workers, army of liberation national Sahrawi and the
women in them areas occupied, as well as a message of condolences by the death
of the leader Cuban Fidel Castro.
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