Tuesday, November 22, 2016

WORKSHOP OF GENDER: for boards to externalize experiences that we are in the process of empowerment of our condition as women, but a non-hegemonic perspective.

Them days 18 and 19 of November of 2016, organize a workshop of gender that put on the table the paper of it woman Sahrawi, within them different activities organized in the 41st Conference International of it EUCOCO, developed in the city of Vilanova i the Geltrú (Barcelona)
People from different organizations and countries met to discuss the struggle and resistance of Sahrawi women in three areas: as a part of a territory under Moroccan occupation, IN THE territories of the Western Sahara occupied by Morocco and in the Diaspora.
The objective of this workshop that takes place every year is the share and consider ways to respond to such discrimination that suffer the Sahrawi women, in a personal encounter with other women who are also prey to the exclusion of the model prevailing androcentric, for boards to externalize experiences that we are in the process of empowerment of our condition as women, but a non-hegemonic perspective.
As this workshop, we count with the participation of various activists and Sahrawis and foreign, who expressed the different national and international actions that are carried out in the camps and out of them, as well as vital needs such as women and the role that we meet in Sahrawi society.
During the session participated by setting a series of conclusions on which mark us ones objectives specific that meet during the period 2016,2017.

At this point we reflect about the commitment and responsibility that we were willing to accept and embrace, but especially stressing that the real work of fighting and empowerment should leave own Sahrawi women, the only ones able to give voice to their needs and objectives present and future support and solidarity of a large network of women that will accompany us in the path of empowerment.
Finally, through the cooperation among all, arrived to a series of conclusions and proposals
1.       We reiterate, once again the REQUIREMENT of the presence of women in the acts of public representation and decision-making, feeling disappointed to see, again that at the opening of the 40th EUCOCO tables, the speakers were men.
2.       2.-appoint a representative that form part of the Committee organizational TASK FORCE that is present in all them tasks, both organizational and of takes of decision that is made in the EUCOCO along the all the year, informing to them assistants of the workshop of gender and equity, favoring of this way the presence active and visible of them women.
3.       launch an awareness campaign that made visible the situation in which live the women of the occupied areas following the line of the campaign #EspañaNoDescoloniza, which was launched during the Presidency of Spain of the Security Council.
4.       remember the compliance of the resolucion1.325 of the UN where is recognizes the need of adopt a perspective of gender in them operations of peace and the training of the personal on them rights of the woman.
5. continue to work on the promotion of women's networks both nationally and  internationally And finally perform a find for continue working in the achievement of them interests strategic of the woman coordinating the work in network between women of them camps, women of them territories occupied and women of the movement of solidarity. 

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